Jun 24Liked by Shondra Bowie Riley

I listened to both parts back to back. Thank you for sharing your story with us in such a brave piece. But then 'story' isn't the right word. I don't have the words. I have deep respect and admiration. You are an inspiration.

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Treasa, thank you so much for reading and commenting. It means so much x

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Jun 24Liked by Shondra Bowie Riley

This is a DAMN good piece friend!

I hate that you experience(d) such hardships but am grateful to his powerful bit of art and how it reflects your life ❤️

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Thanks, Jamal. I’m happy to say these pieces are the worst bits. My son and I are thriving, so I have been able to release those experiences. It’s been a long road though!❤️

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Jun 24Liked by Shondra Bowie Riley

I started to type colorful language, but I don't know if that would offend you, and that's the last thing I'd want to do. You write about it so so well, I love your turns of phrases like "I could feel it beating as if it was punching its way out of my chest.". Looking forward to the next installment. ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you, Lani. colourful language is my second language, so no offence at all! Thank you for reading and for your lovely words ❤️❤️❤️

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Jun 24Liked by Shondra Bowie Riley

Such a confronting situation Shondra, especially during the precious early stages of motherhood when we hope for an equilibrium. We are all deserving of a high standard of care & it’s beyond disappointing, on so many levels, when it falls short.

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Thank you for reading, Frances. I think the combination of my being a black woman and being in the Middle East contributed to the poor way in which I was treated by some staff. Yes, it's beyond disappointing.

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Thank you so much for writing about your experience. I feel like I'm right there with you.

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Thank you, LeeAnn for reading. I appreciate it. ❤️

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Jun 23Liked by Shondra Bowie Riley

Oh my goodness. I had blood clots when I was younger, I have factor V Leiden, and during all three pregnancies had to inject myself daily and for a MINIMUM of 6 weeks after, no less, longer if my blood results required it. I am fuming at that consultant. How dare he! At the time, I’m older than you, I was in at the leading edge of research and knew more than many drs. What a horrendous experience for you.

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I'll DM you, there's so much more to that I can't actually write about!

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Jun 23Liked by Shondra Bowie Riley

Please do

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Jun 23Liked by Shondra Bowie Riley

Parts 1 and 2 are absolutely heart-wrenching, but you are sharing your story with such generosity and grace. Thank you.

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Thank you, Margaret, for reading it and re-stacking. It’s hard to relive it, but it’s important for me to do so.

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Jun 23Liked by Shondra Bowie Riley

I understand that importance. Your story moved me deeply, and you write about it so beautifully.

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